I cannot go back to the countries where I should have to reproach their governments for the injustice they committed. However worthy might be the intentions of the authorities and their audiences, I could not forget the sad realities of my native land. ... I am not a politician. I have never been and do not pretend to be one. I am simply an artist. But the question is whether art is to be a pastime, a toy for men to play with, or if it should have a deep and human meaning. Politics do not belong to an artist, but, to my mind, he is under an obligation to take sides, whatever sacrifice it means, if human dignity becomes involved ... Besides, the word politics, if not used in good faith, can cover up much confusion. It may mean the ordinary legislation of each nation, in which I have no right to interfere unless it concerns my own country. But the politics I speak of concern the governments which betrayed the general rights of human nature. In this case moral principles are involved which prevail above all frontiers; all men of good will should fight against the violation of these principles. ... The only weapons I possess are the 'cello and the conductor's baton. They are not very deadly, but I have no others and do not wish to have any. In the circumstances I have used what I have to protest against what I consider disgraceful and unjust ...

-- Pablo Casals


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